By Valerie Henson

This season, even with all the pandemic madness and the inconsistency and frustration it brings at times, I am grateful for my family, my beautiful children and grandchildren, my loving parents, my Skagway friends who have become my family, a roof over my head, food, warmth and a wonderful new job that brings joy and happiness to my heart.

I am grateful we have the technology to see and speak with the family we are isolated from, even when they are thousands of miles away. I am grateful that we still have our liberties and freedoms, when so many do not. I don’t know how to limit my gratitudes to 500 words! We truly have so very much to be thankful for.  

I am most grateful that because my Lord and Savior, the God of Heaven and Earth, is with me, I do not have to live in constant fear. Even when I am feeling alone, sad, and frustrated, facing the unknown circumstances ahead, I am comforted knowing that I am truly never alone, as He is always with me. This is very comforting.