By Gretchen Wehmhoff –
The Skagway News (SN) is in contact with Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s office in Washington, D.C. regarding the imminent U.S.- Canada border closure. As soon as we hear how the closure will impact Alaskans, we will update you.
A spokesperson form Murkowski’s office shared they are currently working with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to clarify the specifics of “non-essential” travel and how this will affect Alaskans seeking Alaska-to-Alaska travel from Skagway and Haines to Interior Alaska, as well as Alaskans traveling through Canada either direction between Alaska and the Lower 48. We will update this story and our Facebook page as soon as we hear more.
Alaska and Canada share five border stations: one connecting the “Top of the World” highway between Eagle and Dawson City, the Alaska Highway border between Tok and Beaver Creek, YT and border stations outside Haines, Hyder and Skagway.
Currently, the SN is working on logistics for printing and receiving our March 27 issue. Murkowski’s communications staff shared concern about our dilemma and is sharing that with Sen. Murkowski. Our printer, The Whitehorse Star, is also looking into options.