By Gretchen Wehmhoff

Skagway School’s Debate, Drama and Forensic (DDF) team finished their season Feb. 24 – 26 at the state tournament in Anchorage.

Callia Fielding earned first place in the original oratory (OO) competition, setting her up for a trip to nationals to compete in the National Speech and Debate Association Tournament in Arizona in June. 

Fielding and Tessa Murphy placed third in duo interpretation (DUO) with their interpretation of “The Princess Saves Herself in This One.” 

Fielding and Murphy received a command performance where they were invited to share the piece with the tournament audience after finals. The two qualified to participate in the same event at the National Catholic Forensic League in Kentucky in May.

Murphy placed third in Extemporaneous Commentary (EXC). She placed first in the event at the Mt. Edgecumbe tournament.

The team’s Reader’s Theatre placed second in each of the Southeast regional tournaments, but they were not able to bring home a trophy at state. The ensemble included Evelyn Borst, Fielding, Lina Hischer, Athena Smith and Kaitlyn Tronrud. 

Regional tournament results for the 2022-2023 season:

September, Mt. Edgecumbe; Informative Speaking – Fielding first, EXC – Murphy, first, DUO – Fielding/Murphy second, RT second.

December, Ketchikan; RT second, OO – Fielding second, Informative (INF) – Fielding fifth.

January, Juneau; DUO – Fielding/Murphy first, INF – Tronrud first, Borst third, Fielding sixth, RT -second, EXC – Hischer fourth, OO – Fielding fifth.