Oct. 7

Bear activity reported at Pullen Creek RV Park.

Dispatch assisted a citizen in contacting the On Duty Provider.

Fire personnel responded to an EWS Fire alarm.

Police personnel performed non-lethal bear hazing on Klondike Highway.

Oct. 8.

Dispatch assisted citizens in contacting the On Duty Provider multiple times.

Rockslide reported on the Dyea Road. Unable to clear.

Dispatch and Fire Personnel tested all 9-1-1 Auto Dialers in Skagway.

Oct. 9

Police personnel issued multiple trash related fines for Bear Attractant Nuisance.

Another rockslide reported on the Dyea Road. DOT was able to clear the road.

Alert issued to residents of Dyea: Please maintain a 3-day supply of necessities while we continue to get rain in case of further slides or flooding.

Oct. 10

Police personnel issued multiple trash related fines for Bear Attractant Nuisance.

Fire personnel responded to a medical emergency.

Oct. 11.

A lost cell phone with a purple case containing a Driver’s License reported.

A lost dog was reunited with its owner.

Dispatch assisted a citizen in contacting the On Duty Provider.

Oct. 12.

Police personnel assisted a citizen in gaining access to their locked vehicle.

Oct. 14

Dispatch assisted a citizen in contacting the On Duty Provider.

Oct. 15

Rock slide around 5.5 mile on Dyea Road, DOT was able to clear.

Dispatch experienced computer related 9-1-1 outage issues that are now resolved.

Oct. 17

Bear activity reported on the Dyea Road.

Oct. 18

Dispatch and NPS tested alarms at downtown Park Service buildings.

Police responded to a report of an intoxicated stranger asleep in someone’s home.

Oct. 19

Police responded to a report of a dog at large – the dog was unable to be located. 

Police came across an open door on a vehicle parked at seasonal housing – the door was secured. 

Police assisted with a vehicle lock out. 

A backpack was reported as found near the Airport and was later reunited with its owner. 

Police secured an open door at a Liarsville business.

Oct. 20

Police responded to a report of domestic violence. 

Bear activity reported near the Lower Lake trailhead. 

Multiple residents were contacted about picking up trash from bear activity. 

Police responded to a report of an open door in a residential area – the door was secured. 

Bear activity reported near the Eagles. 

Oct. 21

Bear activity reported from the prior evening near the composter. Bear was reported to have shown signs of aggression. 

EMS responded to a medical emergency.


Oct. 22

Bear activity reported at 2.6 mile Klondike Highway.

Police assisted with giving multiple residents a ride home from the ferry terminal due to bear activity. 

Oct. 23

Police responded to a report of a bear attacking a chicken coop along the Dyea Road. 

Multiple reports of bear activity near 20th Ave and State St. 

Dispatch received a report of a bear attempting to gain access to a parked vehicle along the Dyea Road.


Oct. 24 

Bear activity reported near the Skate Park. 

Residents were contacted to pick up trash from bear activity. 

Oct. 25 

Bear activity reported near 10th Ave and Main St. 

A report of a missing dog was received. 

Another report of a missing dog was received – the dog was later reported to have returned home safely.

Oct. 26 

Bear activity reported near 20th Ave and State St. 

Bear activity was reported on the Lower Lake trail system. 

Fire personnel responded to an automated fire alarm at a downtown location.