Provided by the Skagway Police Department

March 5

Dispatch assisted with contacting the On-Duty Provider

March 6

Dispatch broadcasted a message regarding rockslide mitigation work on the Railroad Dock

Dispatch assisted with contacting the On-Duty Provider

March 8 

EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency

March 9

DOT assisted in clearing a stretch of road near Nahku Bay of excessive ice and rocks. 

Dispatch assisted with contacting the On-Duty Provider

Dispatch assisted with contacting the On-Duty Provider

A caller reported their dog to be missing, calling back to report the dog returned immediately after hanging up with dispatch

March 11

A caller reported an item missing from the ferry terminal.

Police responded to a report of hearing gunshots around the Dyea/West Creek area

Dispatch assisted with contacting the On-Duty Provider

March 12

Dispatch broadcasted another message regarding updates to the Railroad Dock rockslide maintenance.

March 13

DOT reported the Klondike Highway to close later in the evening, based on weather reports from Fraser

Police assisted in unlocking a vehicle

March 14

Fire personnel responded to an EWS Fire Alarm at the Rec Center following a power outage

Fire personnel responded to 2 EWS Fire Alarms at a downtown business that came after two separate power outages

DOT reporting a brief opening in the Klondike Highway for a caravan to travel through before closing again in the afternoon

Dispatch assisted with contacting the On-Duty Provider