Special to the Skagway News

We are the Planet Protectors, a group of Skagway School’s fourth and fifth grade students who are dedicated to keeping Skagway clean and protecting our Earth. We pick up litter from our streets and streams.

Our club is proud to say that we have been accomplishing more and more initiatives as our group becomes more known and successful. The Planet Protectors are about ten fourth and fifth graders and we are not just picking trash up anymore. We are raising bear awareness throughout our community, to year-round and seasonal residents, and we also speak about our concerns with our mayor and city council members. As a result, Skagway’s Solid Waste Committee is supporting our efforts by addressing bear attractants and working to educate our community about how to live responsibly in bear country. In addition, we have been financially supported by the Westmark Hotel, Garden City Market, and the Eagles F.O.E. Aerie #25 to purchase two wagons, trash grabbers to pick up unsanitary garbage, and for a recycling center at Skagway School.

Please join us, the Planet Protectors, by doing your part! We ask you to throw your trash in the garbage cans located all along our downtown’s Broadway Avenue, and to support our efforts by picking up some trash if you see any during your visit here. You can be a “Planet Protector” too! As summer comes, more trash arrives, so please help us throw it away. Thank you!