April 19
• Police responded to a burglary alarm for a downtown business. It was discovered to be accidently tripped by an employee.
April 20
• A caller reported ongoing disputes and harassment with their neighbor concerning public parking on the street.
• There was a noise complaint of loud construction taking place at 11:50 pm. An officer responded and the offending party wrapped it up for the night.
April 21
• Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider two different times.
• EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency and transported the patient to the clinic.
April 22
• A citizen reported they felt they had been drugged two nights previous while at a drinking establishment.
• Workers painting the road reported a woman was harassing them. An officer spoke with the workers and attempted to locate the woman.
• EMS personnel assisted with transportation for a medevac.
• A caller inquired if a black wallet had been turned in to the Police Department’s lost and found.
• A third-party SOS center contacted dispatch with GPS coordinates. Upon further investigation, it was discovered a citizen had become stuck in their vehicle up West Creek Road in deep snow.
April 23
• Dispatch assisted a citizen in contacting the on-duty provider.
April 24
• Police assisted with a vehicle lockout.
April 25
• AP&T notified dispatch of a scheduled power outage.
• A citizen reported a bike that had been stored in a container was now missing.
• A city worker reported crows getting into open garbage left out in an alleyway, and their attempt to speak with the offending party was met with profanities. An officer responded and spoke with the resident’s manager about lawful garbage containment and bear attractants.
• EMS personnel assisted with transportation for a medevac.
• Fire Department personnel responded to a report of a residential burn pile spreading to surrounding vegetation.
• An officer investigated a report of a sexual assault.
• A small rockslide above the railroad dock was reported.
April 26
• Benjamin Jonathan Burt, 21, of Washington, was arrested for an outstanding California warrant with request for extradition.
• A caller reported they believed someone hit their windshield with a hammer. They then reported they were mistaken and it was not actually their vehicle. An officer investigated and reported it looked like rock damage.
• Dispatch assisted a citizen in contacting the on-duty provider.
• A caller complained about a loud 4-wheeler speeding up and down State Street.
• A caller reported they had been assaulted and injured by a friend after an argument. An officer investigated and took reports from both parties.
April 27
• Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider four different times.
• EMS personnel assisted with transportation for a medevac.
• A lost wallet containing photo ID, passport, social security card and cash was reported.
• A lost iPhone was reported.
April 28
• US Customs reported a helicopter of unknown origins had flown over the border. An officer observed the helicopter going east and reported it did not land in Skagway.
• Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider.
• Police assisted with a vehicle lockout.
• It was reported the yield sign at 1st and Broadway was laying on the ground. Public Works was advised.
April 29
• Police responded to a report of a tripped burglary alarm at a downtown business. It was found to be a false alarm.
• EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency.
• EMS personnel assisted with transportation for a medevac.
• A caller reported their ex-partner stole their cell phone and had been aggressive with them. Police responded and investigated.
• A caller reported a trailer’s septic tank was dumping onto the street. Police responded and discovered the trailer’s septic line had accidently been damaged when moving the trailer and the owners were on the scene working on cleanup.
• A resident reported ongoing harassment and name calling from their neighbor and wished for it to stop. Police responded and spoke to both parties.
April 30
• Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider.
• A small rockslide above the railroad dock was reported.
• And iPhone was found at Lower Reid Falls and is being kept at the Visitors Center’s lost and found.
• A local restaurant reported a party of six walked out without paying. An officer responded, found the group, and had them return to the restaurant.
• A 911 call was received with no person on the line but distressing sounds in the background. Upon investigation, it was discovered to be an accidental dial due to the owner of the phone watching a TV show where a character said “Siri, call 911!” and their phone did.
May 1
• A caller reported tourists smoking marijuana outside of their home.
• A lost wallet was reported.
• A lost black Samsung phone was reported.
• Officers investigated a report of sexual harassment.
• A caller reported ongoing antagonism towards their dog from another dog owner
• EMS responded to a report of a fallen tourist who could not get up. The individual could not be located and was later discovered to have gone back to the ship.
• Police assisted cruise ship security with a Glock magazine containing bullets that had been confiscated.
May 2
• A caller reported a loose dog with no collar. They reported the dog went into a yard it seemed comfortable with so they closed the gate behind it.
• A caller reported two of their horses got loose. The horses were later found.
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