By Gretchen Wehmhoff
The assembly adopted resolutions raising rates for water, solid waste and sewer at their May 16 meeting.
The plan to increase rates had been considered prior to the 2020-2021 pandemic. The assembly at the time chose to hold increases until after the financial impact of the pandemic started to even out.
Assemblymember Orion Hanson clarified that the rate study to move this along was conducted in 2015 and the resolution was passed in 2017. The current resolutions (Res 24-07R, Res. 24-08R and Res. 24-09R) follow the earlier rate study for amending solid waste disposal, water utility rates and wastewater utility rates.
“So really what this does is follow the same rate study that the 2015 study requested and recommended. It adds one more year, 27,” Hanson said.
“I think, by adding one more year, effectively to 2027, it’s following the policy that we set out in 2017,” he continued.
The current resolution has a few new categories for rates that were not in the 2017 resolution – whether because they didn’t exist, or the MOS had not dedicated a way to account for them.
Assemblymember Deb Potter noted that a document from the May 1 Finance Committee meeting “did a good job of laying out why these rate increases are indeed necessary,”
“It really boils down to – cost of services continually increase while the revenue that we’re getting from excise tax is remaining flat,” Potter said.
“This has gone through solid waste Advisory Committee, many different meetings over the years. It’s just taken the process this long to get there,” said Hanson.
According to the resolution, FY 25 Water Utility rates will increase by 5%. The rates will also increase by 5% in FY 26 and FY 27 by 5%.
Solid Waste Rates will increase by 9.5% each year starting in FY25 through FY27.
Wastewater Utility Rates will increase by 7% each year starting in FY 25 through FY27.
A public hearing was held for these resolutions on April 4, 2024.
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