School’s out for summer and it’s always nice to get a tasty treat for celebration.  My son bought a milk shake and he was full after drinking ¾ of the milk shake.  After my son threw his milk shake away; I told him that’s how much he’ll be receiving from his Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend, 25% goes to Alaskans and 75% goes to Government spending.  My son replied, “That’s not much money we’ll be receiving.”  Will the Alaska State Legislature be full after receiving 75% of our PFD?  In the near future, will the Alaska State Legislature be seeking the entire (milkshake) The Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend?

Governor Hammond wanted Alaskan’s to receive the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend to keep the Alaska State Legislature in checks and balances; it was also, for compensation for giving up our mineral rights to become a state in 1959.  Today’s Alaska price per barrel of oil is at $85.50, the State of Alaska isn’t lacking funding.

The Alaska State Legislature is out of session and on Governor Dunleavy’s desk is waiting for signature of approval to fund the Alaska Long Trail 3.7 million.  Alaska Trails is asking People to support this funding; however, the Alaska Legislature doesn’t have funding to give us a 50/50 PFD without, taxes.

The State of Alaska has already contributed $9 million to the Alaska Long Trail and this doesn’t include the 13 million from the Federal Government from Lisa Murkowski and other local government contributions.

We have a failing Port of Anchorage and it cannot withstand, another earthquake. When a ship is one week late, our shelves are empty in our grocery stores.  The Alaska State Legislature won’t fix the Port of Anchorage, which is a lifeline for Alaskan’s; however, they have millions to give to a trail?

Right now, there’s a comment period on the Alaska Long Trail becoming a Federal Scenic Trail with Bureau Land Management and the deadline to comment is on June 28 at

Once the Long Trail becomes a Federal Scenic Trail, we’ll lose our states’ rights on those lands; just like back in 1980 when President Jimmy Carter confiscated 54 million acres from Alaska to create 8 National Parks in Alaska.

The Sierra Club wants the Long Trail extended from Seward to the Arctic Circle; which would surpass the original route from Seward to Fairbanks.

I’m deeply concerned for the Alaskan Villagers who use the Historical Iditarod Trail as a form of transportation, by hauling food and other supplies from village to village with a snowmobile, four wheeler or motorized boat.  The purposed plan is to put the Federal Scenic Long Trail onto the Historical Iditarod Trail; which will give 100% authority to the Federal Government.  The Federal Government promised us that we would be able to continue to mineral develop our lands and hunt; however, the Federal Government has removed mineral development off Alaska National Parks.  Once the Historical Iditarod Trail becomes a Federal Scenic Trail, then it will be illegal to use anything motorized on those trails.

Alaska Tribes were granted land back in the 1970s, now the Alaska Long Trail supporters want to take land from Alaskan Tribes to put in their trail.  Alaska Long Trail supporters will tell you that they have the right to take land from Alaskan Tribes because of a public access easement.  Hasn’t the Government already taken enough land from our Alaskan Tribes?

Alaska has a drastic change in weather; we had 40 below zero Fahrenheit temperatures, to 40 above zero temperatures, back to 40 below zero temperatures over this last winter; within, weeks apart.  Three weeks ago, I was at a track meet, it was overcast, the wind started to blow, then it rained, and then finally turned to snow; the temperature dropped 10 degrees in one hour.  The Alaska Trail is inviting the world to hike this trail, not knowing Alaska’s harsh weather environment.  In Alaska we have giardiasis in our streams, which is a parasitic disease and it makes people sick for weeks.  We will have travelers not knowing safety precautions when it comes to creek drinking.  Garbage and feces left behind from travelers is another concern.  Rescuing hikers from bear mauling’s or moose encounters is another issue.  Alaska is limited on rescue resources and this trail will take the emergency resources from residents to rescue people who use this trail.  

Please take action today and comment at BLM about the Alaska Long Trail becoming a Federal Scenic Trail.  Please contact your Alaska State Legislature and ask them how come they have money to fund the Alaska Long Trail, but not a full PFD, how come they don’t repair the Port of Anchorage which supplies our food and fuel, and how are they going to stop the Alaska Long Trail from becoming a Federal Scenic Trail.

Esther Huddleston

Matanuska Susitna Borough