By Kerri Raia
Saturday, July 20 marks the 25th annual Little Dippers Wine Tasting.
Organized by Skagway Child Care Council (SCCC), the event has raised thousands of dollars over the years to keep the non-profit daycare center open. The council says there are countless community members to thank for that.
Denise Caposey is a founding member of Little Dippers Learning Center which opened its doors in 1987. She still holds the center very near and dear to her heart.
“My favorite part of working at Dippers was the relationships that were fostered with the children that grew with the years. Some of my original Dippers are now grown with children of their own and we still have that connection,” she reflects fondly.
“It’s special because it’s genuine love that we have for each other. By caring for other people’s children, you also develop relations with the families, and the fact that they trust you with the care of their most precious little people is a huge responsibility that comes with so many rewards. It’s not about the money. It’s not just a job. Providing this service for Skagway was my crowning achievement, and the rewards continue to this day. But I did not accomplish this on my own. It takes a village,” Caposey said.
A village it does take. Without childcare opportunities, the seasonal workforce in Skagway would miss out on some quality people. Little Dippers provides an important service to the community. Beth Smith, a former SCCC board member and board president agrees.
“From a business owner’s perspective, Little Dippers plays a vital role in the business community by increasing our labor pool – by allowing both parents to work,” Smith said.
Board members meet monthly to oversee operations and advise the center’s administrator, but the Wine Tasting takes up the bulk of their attention during summer months.
Former Little Dippers caregiver and board member Courtney Pfannenstein Ellingson was recruited to Skagway for her first season to work at Little Dippers with former director Mary Thole in 1999. She eventually started teaching kindergarten at Skagway School and became a board member in 2003.
“I was hoping to connect myself more and more to the community and found it a great way to serve the families and children of Skagway. I got to know local families more and seasonal ones as well. Our big fundraiser at that time was the Silent Auction that Jan Wrentmore of the Red Onion graciously hosted each summer. If I recall, it was a lot of work gathering donations and putting the event on, but we always did well, and it was a very fun evening, too! People in this town were generous and still are,” Ellingson said.
The people of Skagway show up for their neighbors. Smith has been inspired to see everyone’s hard work pay off. She saw that while serving as a volunteer board member.
“My favorite part of being on the board were the friendships I made with the ladies I sat on the board with. I treasure them, and if it wasn’t for that board, some of our paths might never have crossed otherwise, as we all had such busy schedules during the summer season,” Smith shared.
“Of course, when I sat on the board, my favorite day of the year was the day after the wine tasting! I love the event, but when you are a board member, it is quite a bit of work putting that event on, and it is during our busy season, to boot! So, I always applaud every Dipper board member for donating their time, their energy and their efforts to pulling off such a spectacular and treasured, Skagway annual event,” Smith said.
“I swear, each year and each [new] board has put their own little touch on the event, and year after year, the event just keeps getting better and better,” she adds.
The current Skagway Child Care Council Board of Directors are President Katie Auer, Vice President Hillery Lesh, Treasurer Juliene Miles and Secretary Taylor Ashton.
This team is responsible for this year’s Wine Tasting, and the Council made sure to recognize them for their after-hours efforts as volunteers on top of their busy schedules.
“Hats off to these wonderful women!”
Smith also paid tribute to Charlotte Jewell who once played a vital role in hosting the Wine Tasting at Jewell Gardens.
“Charlotte Jewell was a huge part of the success of the wine tasting – especially in its earlier years! Charlotte truly brought the elegance and the atmosphere into the equation which made the event so classy and so enjoyable! When you were in Jewell Gardens, you just felt like you were a million miles away on vacation. Charlotte was such a beautiful soul and my friendship with her grew through organizing this event year after year!”
SCCC mentioned Jewell Gardens for their dedicated contributions toward Little Dippers’ fundraising endeavors over the years.
“Special thanks to the Dredge for hosting again; it is such a lovely venue! We hope to see you all there! The council thanks to the community members who care about Little Dippers and all of their generous donors, past and present.”
“We couldn’t do it without you, and we appreciate you more than you know.”
This year’s event is Saturday, July 20, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Alaska 360.
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