July 19
• Police personnel assisted with a vehicle lockout.
• EMS personnel responded to two separate medical emergencies.
• Lost and found reports were taken for a found credit card and a lost iPhone 12 in a black case with a flower patch sack.
• Ship security requested officer assistance in securing confiscated ammunition from a guest’s luggage.
• Police personnel performed a requested welfare check.
• Police personnel assisted in serving papers for a protective order.
• An individual reported an assault.
• 911 was pocket dialed once.
• Dispatch contacted the on-duty provider twice.
July 20
• Lost and found reports were taken for a lost wallet.
• Police personnel assisted State Wildlife Troopers with 70 illegally caught salmon that were confiscated from Skagway residents.
• Devyn Fornof, 25, of Utah was arrested and charged with a DUI after being involved in a single vehicle accident on the Klondike Highway.
• Two separate noise complaints were taken, one for a loud party and the other for loud noises at the skate park.
July 21
• Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider three times.
• EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency.
July 22
• EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency.
• Police personnel assisted with a vehicle lockout.
• Fire department personnel responded to the report of a vehicle fire.
• 911 was pocket dialed once.
• Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider.
• An officer responded to the report of two hitchhikers on the pass attempting to head north with no overnight gear as the border closed. Due to forecasted low temperatures and rain, they were brought back to town for the night.
July 23
• 911 was pocket dialed three times.
• A found pink wallet was turned into the Police Departments lost and found.
• It was reported there was a rock slide on the Klondike Highway and it was consequently closed.
• It was reported that the Taiya River would be cresting and warnings were sent out.
July 24
• FBI requested assistance from the Skagway Police Department in investigating and creating a report for an approximately 5-month-old fetus that was found in the blackwater system of a cruise ship.
• EMS personnel assisted with a medevac.
• Lost and found reports were taken for a found Samsung phone, a lost Samsung phone and a lost wallet.
• A caller reported noticing a bunch of suspicious activity at the impound lot with multiple people jumping the fence and looking through vehicles.
• Fire Department personnel responded to a downtown fire alarm. It was found to be false.
• A brown bear with cubs was spotted near Liarsville.
• Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider.
• A caller reported a car full of young individuals had yelled derogatory terms towards them followed by pointing what appeared to be a handgun at them. An officer responded and investigated.
July 25
• A caller reported noticing a campsite with no activity around it for the past week near the Gold Rush Cemetery.
• A caller reported they lost a set of keys.
• Fire Department personnel responded to a downtown fire alarm. It was found to be false.
• It was reported a small white dog accidently fell into the Skagway River and was swept away from its owner who was now searching for it.
• A caller reported they were just charged by the brown bear with cubs near Jewell Gardens.
July 26
• A caller reported the brown bear with cubs was getting into a dumpster at Dairy Drive.
• 911 was pocket dialed three times.
• A report was taken concerning a driver who yelled at and nearly ran over a train employee who had been stopping traffic for an approaching train. Officers responded and investigated.
• EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency.
• Lost and found reports were taken for a found backpack, a lost wallet and a found wallet.
• EMS personnel assisted with a medevac.
• A caller reported the brown bear with cubs was back at Dairy Drive.
July 27
• A caller reported theft of merchandise from their store. Police personnel responded and were able to find the suspect and confirm the theft.
• A caller reported their elderly mother was missing. A few minutes later, they reported she had been located.
• Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider twice.
• EMS personnel assisted with a medevac.
• A caller reported an intoxicated woman was screaming at them from the street. An officer responded but was unable to locate the individual.
July 28
• Lost and found reports were taken for a lost credit card, a lost wallet, a found credit card and a found wallet.
• EMS personnel responded to two separate medical emergencies.
• 911 was pocket dialed once.
July 29
• A caller on the hill reported a bear had just gotten into their trash but they hazed it with a non-lethal hazing round.
• 911 was pocket dialed twice.
• A caller reported their neighbors trash cans overflowing with garbage in the alley near their house.
• EMS personnel assisted with a medevac.
• A report was received of a physical altercation on board a train. Police personnel responded and escorted the offending parties back to their ships and turned them over to ship security.
• A caller reported their dog had escaped. Soon after, the dog was brought into the Police Station by a citizen. The owner was notified for reunification.
• A caller reported the brown bear with cubs was in the trash at the Liarsville salmon bake during a tour. Officers responded and were able to haze the bears away.
• A caller reported a lost backpack.
• A caller reported the brown bear with cubs was back at Liarsville and had knocked over a dumpster and was eating trash. An officer responded and fired a hazing round, striking one of the bears which then fled.
• A caller reported a black bear at Lazy Daisy Farms.
• A caller reported two girls wearing crocs had just been on the roof his boat without his permission and the girls had put safety cones taken from the harbor there.
July 30
• Fire Department personnel responded to a downtown fire alarm. It was found to be false.
• A caller wished to file a missing persons report for their spouse who arrived on the ferry July 26 with plans to ride their motorcycle north but had not been heard from since. Dispatch was able to ascertain the motorcyclist had crossed a border in B.C. the previous day.
• 911 was pocket dialed four times.
• A caller reported the brown bear with cubs had charged towards them outside of their house on the hill the previous day.
• A caller reported a single black bear wandering near the DOT shops and White Pass campground.
• A caller reported they lost a set of keys.
• EMS personnel assisted with a medevac.
• An out-of-town caller reported they just received a call from someone claiming to be from legal aid services informing them that their son was in jail in Skagway. The caller was advised there was no one in jail and the call was likely a scam.
July 31
• Lost and found reports were taken for a found wallet, a found purse and a lost purse.
• EMS personnel assisted with two separate medevacs.
• 911 was pocket dialed once.
• A caller reported a black bear at Lazy Daisy Farms.
• A caller reported a black bear by the Dredge.
• The brown bear with cubs was spotted getting into garbage in the Liarsville area at multiple business and residential locations. An officer dispatched six live rounds into the ground directly in front of the bears to scare them off and they temporarily fled.
August 1
• The brown bear with cubs was spotted at Dairy Drive, the bus barn, and Skagway Storage on the Klondike Highway.
• A caller reported hearing a loud alarm saying “Danger. Danger. Evacuate.” coming from a residential area. An officer responded and discovered it was a carbon monoxide alarm inside a locked camper trailer. Fire Department personnel responded and gained access to the trailer but no one was inside.
• An officer responded to the report of a domestic violence dispute and spoke to the individuals in the household.
• A caller reported bears had gotten into trash at multiple locations around the Liarsville area overnight including breaking into the back of a pickup.
• A caller wished to update that their spouse travelling on a motorcycle that they reported missing earlier in the week was now in Washington and safe and accounted for.
• 911 was pocket dialed twice.
• A found wallet was turned in.
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