Aug. 16

EMS personnel responded to two separate medical emergencies. 

Callers reported a woman on a bike had just been hit by a car. EMS and police personnel responded.

911 was pocket dialed once. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a lost brown and pink wallet. 

Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider. 

Fire department personnel responded to the report of a potential chimney fire. 

Aug. 17

Lost and found reports were taken for a lost Yamaha 4-wheeler key.

911 was pocket dialed once. 

Fire department personnel responded to a downtown fire alarm. It was found to be false. 

A caller reported their bike had just been stolen. 

A caller reported they had seen the brown bear with cubs downtown the previous night.


Aug. 18

EMS personnel assisted with a medevac. 

A caller reported their elderly dog had been missing since the previous night. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a lost set of Ford keys on a fish keychain.

A caller reported a commercial driver who appeared to be on drugs. 

911 was pocket dialed six times.


Aug. 19

Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider. 

EMS personnel assisted with a medevac. 

A caller reported their employee had been hit by a truck while riding their bicycle but was not injured. Officers responded to investigate. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a lost passport and a lost wallet with a salmon design.

Officers assisted US Customs regarding a cruise ship passenger whose partner had discovered their sexual harassment history, so they needed to disembark before their cruise ended.

Aug. 20

911 was pocket dialed six times.

EMS personnel assisted with a medevac. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a found backpack with Nebraska ID and a lost iPhone in a black case.

A caller reported they had an unknown dog they found running loose on State Street. 

A citizen requested to borrow a live trap for use on a cat from the animal impound area. 

Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider.

An officer responded to a loud gathering and asked the partygoers to tone it down. 

Aug. 21

EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency. 

EMS personnel assisted with three separate medevacs. 

911 was pocket dialed twice

Lost and found reports were taken for a found black cross body wallet with metal chain and two lost drivers licenses.

A caller reported they were being followed and harassed by an unknown individual. An officer responded and spoke to both parties.

Aug. 22

Robert West, 45, of Ohio was arrested for Disorderly Conduct and taken into protective custody overnight. 

A caller reported they were woken up by an unknown male inside their residence who stated he was looking for his brother in Haines Junction. The individual left the house and then began getting into the caller’s car. When confronted, the man insisted it was his car before wandering down the street. An officer was advised. 

911 was pocket dialed four times. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a found bike, a found PaperShoot white digital camera and a lost credit card.

EMS personnel assisted with a medevac. 

Aug. 23

911 was pocket dialed twice. 

EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency. 

A caller reported a brown dog was loose and running on the airport runway. 

Fire department personnel responded to the report of a smoldering cigarette butt tower. 

Police personnel assisted the Alaska Court system with a paper service. 

A caller reported the mother brown bear and cubs were just spotted along the Klondike Highway. Officers responded, and while looking for the bears were informed by bystanders that the bears had been spotted nearly every night in the White Pass Campground. 

A caller reported the bears were just spotted at 9th and Alaska. An officer responded and discovered a dumpster tipped over and trash scattered across the airport runway. 

Aug. 24

Lost and Found reports were taken for a lost white gold necklace and a lost Minnesota ID.

Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider twice.

EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency. 

A caller reported there were three individuals on the airport runway and a plane was about to land. An officer responded but was unable to locate the individuals.

EMS personnel assisted with a medevac. 

911 was pocket dialed once. 

Dispatch assisted Bartlett Hospital with contacting the on-duty provider. 

A caller reported seeing a man walking in the middle of the Dyea road near Nakhu Bay while seemingly waving for assistance. An officer responded but was unable to locate anyone matching the description. 

A caller reported a man and woman were currently in an active physical altercation on the ground. Officers and EMS personnel responded.


Aug. 25

A caller reported the bears had gotten into a truck near the Corrington RV Park. 

A caller reported the bears had just been spotted in the Liarsville area. An officer responded and discovered the bears had gotten into multiple individual and business trashes overnight along the Klondike Highway.

Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider three times. 

EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a found California ID and a found wallet with an Iowa ID.

A woman brought a dog into the Police Department reporting it had just been in the street in front of Garden City RV and had nearly been hit by multiple cars. The owner was located. 

911 was pocket dialed once. 

Officers assisted with a vehicle lockout. 

EMS personnel assisted with transporting a cruise ship passenger for a Coast Guard medevac. The patient passed away enroute to the medevac so was instead taken to the Skagway Clinic morgue. Officers responded to assist with a report and investigation.

A caller reported a telephone pole was on fire along the Klondike Highway. Fire department and police personnel responded and the fire was extinguished after AP&T temporarily cut the power. 

Multiple fire and burglary alarms were triggered around town due to the power outage. Fire department and police personnel responded to each to assure they were false. 

Aug. 26

Police personnel assisted with a vehicle lockout. 

911 was pocket dialed twice. 

EMS personnel assisted with a medevac. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a lost wallet and a found wallet.

A caller reported they had passed two tourists pushing rented e-bikes with a broken chain on the Dyea Road. The caller reported they attempted to ask the tourists if they were ok but the tourists did not speak English and seemed very tired. Dispatch advised the bike rental companies of the situation. 

Fire department personnel responded to a downtown fire alarm. It was found to be false and caused by a cooking mishap. 

Fire department personnel responded to another downtown fire alarm. It was also found to be false and caused by a different cooking mishap. 

A caller reported their dog had gotten out of their yard and was missing. An officer responded to help look and the dog was located. 

A caller reported it looked like there might be a fire on the mountain up the pass. An officer responded and discovered it was just the moon rising.


Aug. 27

Fire department personnel responded to a downtown fire alarm. It was found to be false. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a found Missouri ID and a lost set of keys with a unicorn keychain.

A caller reported the brown bear and cubs were in their yard in the Liarsville area eating Devils Club. 

A caller reported the brown bear and cubs had broken into their vehicle at the Corrington RV Park and run off with a 10-pound bag of cocoa. 

A caller reported the mama brown bear was just spotted behind some trailers in the White Pass RV Park.

An officer discovered the bears had moved into town and had gotten into a dumpster at 9th and Alaska and trash was strewn across the airport runway. 

Aug. 28

A caller reported the bears had gotten into their vehicle along the Dyea Road sometime in the night. 

Fire Department personnel responded to a downtown fire alarm. It was found to be false. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a lost Kodak camera left on a SMART bus and a found Utah ID.

A caller reported the brown bear and cubs were on the Dyea Road near the town lookout and were concerned due to a lot of tourists on bikes riding by. 

A report was received of the brown bear and cubs on the road near Nakhu Bay. 

A report was received of the brown bear and cubs in a yard along the Dyea Road.

EMS personnel responded to two separate medical emergencies. 

Officers reported the mother brown bear and one of the cubs had been shot and killed in Dyea. The other cub ran into the woods and could not be located. 

A caller reported they witnessed a vehicle hit another and then drive away.

A caller off the ship reported their suicidal son had gone into the woods at Lower Lake and could not be located. The caller then updated that a grandparent had just spoken to the boy on his phone, and he agreed to go back to the ship. Officers responded to make sure the boy got back to town, and then escorted the family to the ship and spoke with ship security about the situation.

Aug. 29

Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider. 

911 was pocket dialed five times.

Officers assisted with a vehicle lockout. 

A caller reported they were on the rocks below Temsco and had dropped their glasses so they could not see to find them and get back up. Fire Department personnel responded and helped the individual locate their glasses.

Aug.  30

An officer reported there was a bag of trash on the airport runway around 9th and Alaska. DOT was advised. 

911 was pocket dialed twice. 

A caller reported their spouse was overdue coming back from fishing on a boat in the Yukon. The caller was concerned the late party could be stranded somewhere since it was dark and the border would be closing. Shortly after, it was discovered they had just gone through US customs and were ok. 

Aug. 31

911 was pocket dialed twice. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a lost credit card and two different found credit cards.

Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider. 

Sept. 1

Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider twice.

A report was received that the single brown bear cub was spotted in the Corrington’s campground. An officer responded but were unable to locate the bear. 

911 was pocket dialed three times.

A representative of the Veterans Crisis Line called requesting a welfare check on a potentially suicidal individual. It was discovered the individual did not reside in Skagway and dispatch assisted the Crisis Line in contacting the correct jurisdiction. 

A caller reported a car sized rock had fallen from the mountain into the middle of the Klondike Highway. An officer and DOT responded, and the highway was temporarily closed while the rock was removed.

A caller reported a company was illegally giving commercial tours at Nakhu Bay. 

A bartender reported a customer had just walked out after refusing to pay their tab and were now at another drinking establishment down the street. Officers responded and found the individual to be uncooperative and they were consequently arrested. 

David Lee Folletti, 59, of Haines was arrested for Theft 4 -less than $250. 

A caller reported they saw the single brown bear cub earlier that morning in Liarsville. 

Sept. 2

A caller reported all the tires on their vehicle had been slashed while they were at work. Officers began an investigation.

EMS personnel responded to two separate medical emergencies.

EMS personnel assisted with a public service transfer. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a found Samsung phone, a lost wallet and a lost iPhone with a blue pop-it on the back.

An officer responded to speak with a distressed caller having a mental health emergency. 

Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider. 

Several callers reported there was a deceased cat in the middle of the road and one of the callers reported moving the cat out of the road and into some grass.

Sept. 3

A caller reported a scam call from someone pretending to be from Amazon reporting a false $1000 charge on their account. 

Lost and found reports were taken for a lost brown wallet, a found purse, and a found blue Coach wallet. 

EMS personnel assisted with a medevac. 

911 was pocket dialed twice. 

Blake Perry, 41, of Skagway was arrested on a bench warrant for failure to appear. 

The lone brown bear cub was spotted getting into garbage cans at multiple locations around town. An officer responded and attempted to haze the bear away. 

Sept. 4

Dispatch assisted with contacting the on-duty provider. 

A caller reported they were at the US customs building trying to get back to Skagway but it was closed. They were advised that the border is closed at night and they would have to wait until morning. 

911 was pocket dialed three times. 

On officer assisted with a vehicle lockout. 

EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency. 

Ship security requested assistance disposing of a cruise ship passengers confiscated ammunition. An officer responded.