Sept. 19
Ship security requested an officer to help with investigating and filing a report concerning an incident with crew.
911 was pocket dialed once.
Lost and found reports were taken for a found men’s wooden wedding band and a lost wallet with a native design.
EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency twice.
Fire department personnel responded to a downtown fire alarm. It was found to be false.
EMS personnel transported a patient for a medevac.
Sept. 20
A cruise ship passenger reported that they were in town on Sept. 10 and had purchased a necklace set, earrings and a pendant, and that the items were lost or stolen at some point that day before they got back on board.
Police personnel assisted with a vehicle lockout.
A caller reported there was a loose dog running around on 1stAvenue. The dog’s owner was located and advised.
911 was pocket dialed once.
An alarm monitoring company called to report a downtown burglary alarm had been activated. An officer responded and discovered an open door had triggered the alarm.
Sept. 21
A caller reported something had gotten into garbage bins in an alley near 12th and Main and trash was strewn about.
Fire Department personnel responded to a fire alarm. It was found to be false and triggered by a culinary mishap.
EMS personnel responded to two separate medical emergencies.
A caller reported concern about an employee that may be in a domestic violence situation. An officer was advised and spoke to the individual.
Lost and found reports were taken for a lost black clip wallet with a California ID inside.
EMS personnel transported a patient for a medevac.
Sept. 22
Lost and found reports were taken for a lost wallet and ID and a found Samsung phone.
Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider.
A caller reported there was an individual passed out on the ground at 5th and State with a second person who seemed extremely intoxicated. An officer responded and reported the pair got up and were now walking home.
At 9:00 p.m. a caller reported they just spotted the single brown bear at 20th and State. An officer responded but could not locate the bear.
Sept. 23
911 was pocket dialed once.
Lost and found reports were taken for a lost women’s black travel bag with a shoulder strap.
At 9:45 p.m., a report was received that the brown bear was trying to break into commercial dumpsters along the Klondike Highway. An officer responded but could not locate the bear.
Sept. 24
A caller reported the bear had gotten into employee housing trash near 21st and Alaska and there was garbage strewn through the alley and into nearby yards. An officer responded to contact the responsible party.
The Klondike Highway was temporarily closed to retrieve the vehicle involved in the Sept. 9 single-car accident towards the top of the pass.
A caller reported a neighbor was currently burning garbage that was creating toxic smoke and it was blowing into their house and causing breathing problems. No burn permit had been called in for the location, so an officer responded to speak to the individual who had moved on to burning a box of adult magazines. The individual extinguished the fire and was reminded to call in burns and of what items were allowed to be burned in household burn barrels.
911 was pocket dialed once.
Sept. 25
A power outage triggered multiple fire alarms. They were all found to be false.
Lost and found reports were taken for a found set of keys with a Cadillac key fob and a found Samsung smart watch.
A caller reported a customer had just tried to use an ID that did not belong to them to purchase marijuana. An officer responded and investigated.
Sept. 26
911 was pocket dialed once.
Robert West, 45, of Ohio was arrested for Criminal Impersonation in the Second Degree and two counts of Violating the Conditions of Release.
Sept. 27
911 was pocket dialed once.
Police personnel assisted with a vehicle lockout.
Sept. 28
An outside alarm monitoring company called to report a triggered burglary alarm downtown. An officer responded to investigate.
Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider three times.
EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency.
A report was received there was a dead eagle at Seven Pastures. An officer responded and found a deceased juvenile bald eagle with a broken neck. The eagle was turned over to Alaska Fish and Game.
A caller reported there was an individual with an off-leash dog disturbing others at Shoreline Park. An officer was advised.
A caller reported another individual was intoxicated and being bothersome towards them with threatening words. The caller then admitted they were also intoxicated and did not want an officer to respond as they felt it would escalate the situation. They were advised to call back if anything changed.
Sept. 29
Dispatch assisted in contacting the on-duty provider.
A caller reported there was an individual riding their bike while smoking a very strong-smelling marijuana cigarette. An officer was advised.
Sept. 30
EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency.
Lost and found reports were taken for a found floral wallet with a Nevada ID and a lost purple iPhone.
A caller reported there were people smoking a bong inside a parked car at the overlook. An officer responded and spoke with the individuals.
Oct. 1
Around 7 a.m. a caller reported the bear had just gotten into trash put out for that morning’s pickup along their alley. An officer responded and discovered the bear had gotten into multiple trashes from 11th to 17th that morning.
EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency.
Lost and found reports were taken for a found Chime visa card and a found Utah State food stamp card.
A report was received of a neighbor’s trash put outside on garbage day after garbage pickup had occurred and it was still sitting there. An officer responded and had the responsible person bring their trash back inside since evening was approaching.
A caller requested a welfare check on a friend. An officer responded and spoke with the party who reported they were fine.
A noise complaint was received concerning a loud party that was outside with a bonfire and individuals were observed pouring gasoline on the fire. An officer responded and spoke with the individuals.
Oct. 2
Fire Department personnel responded to a downtown fire alarm. It was found to be false.
A report was received of a bike thrown into the river. A caller reported their child’s bike had been stolen and it may be the same bike.
Lost and found reports were taken for a lost green wallet.
EMS personnel transported a patient for a medevac.
Oct. 3.
At 2 a.m., a caller reported they heard noises consistent with a bear getting into trash outside their house near 11th and Main. An officer responded and confirmed the bear had gotten into trash left out in the area.
At 8 a.m. a caller reported there was a dumpster near 6th and State that was overflowing with garbage. An officer contacted the company responsible.
A caller reported sometime during the night the bear had gotten into a bin full of automotive items in the yard along Dyea Road.
EMS personnel responded to a medical emergency.
A caller reported the bike found in the river the previous day was theirs. They were advised of its current location.
A caller requested a welfare check on a neighbor whose dogs had been barking all day. An officer responded and attempted to contact them with no success. Another party reported they had spoken with the individual earlier in the day and they were fine.
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