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The Skagway News has proudly served as this unique community’s source of information and news for 47 years for locals and tourists alike. Publication ads are a great way to draw attention to your business. Ads are charged by the column inch, with the price per inch decreasing as ad size increases. The PDF version is emailed to all subscribers and posted on the front page of the website. It is interactive with pages that flip. It is also emailed as a printable document. Ads place in the publication receive a free digital ad.
Political Advertising Rates
The Skagway News offers competitive ad rates. We believe in public discourse and welcome advertising from political candidates and groups registered with Alaska Public Offices Commission.
The Skagway News offers competitive online advertising solutions. During a month our site has more than 10,000 unique visitors generating over 18,000 page views. The Skagway news offers 3 banner ad sizes. Banners must be in .jpg format. See the Skagway News Rate Card for details.

Skaguay Alaskan Visitors Guide
The Alaskan will be available at visitors centers, ferries, the airport, campgrounds and attractions, from Juneau to the border. The Skaguay Alaskan is distributed by our popular “newsies,” boys and girls dressed in Klondike news garb. Each Alaskan has a city map with an advertiser locator. It’s a must have for advertising during tourist season.
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