AKC English Labrador puppies.  Champion bloodline. $900. Located in Haines. 971-717-1503

Looking for housing and office space for The Skagway News. Must have bathroom/ running water. Can be small, ground floor preferred. Bartering possible. Contact editor@skagwaynews.com or leave a message at 907-983-2354.

Looking for housing/office space for The Skagway News. Must have bathroom/ running water. Can be small, ground floor preferred. Bartering possible. Contact editor@skagwaynews.com or leave a message at 907-983-2354.

Contact sales@skagwaynews.com to place an ad.

FOOD BANK DONATIONS WELCOME. Donations may be sent to the Food Bank, PO Box 200, Skagway, AK 99840. The local Food Bank helps those in need with groceries. If you need assistance, or know anyone who needs assistance, at any time of year, call any pastor or 907-612-0313

Contact sales@skagwaynews.com to place an ad.

Contact sales@skagwaynews.com to place an ad.

Bid/RFP Status

Open – accepting bids and proposals

Bid/RFP Due Date

Thu, 11/21/2024 – 1:00 PM



The Municipality of Skagway is accepting bids for the Temporary Fender Modification Project.

The WORK covered in the Contract Documents generally includes: The installation of two steel

guide piles and a steel fender pile and modifications to an existing mooring dolphin. All work must

conform to the requirements provided in the bid documents.


Components of the WORK include:

A. Base Bid: The Work includes the following:

• Extraction and disposal of creosote treated timber piles and installation two steel

piles at a single mooring dolphin.

• Installation of a salvaged fender panel procured by MOS.

Bids shall include all labor, equipment, transportation, and materials to complete the specified

work. Bids shall also include mobilization and demobilization to and from the Project site. Alaska

Labor Standards, reporting and prevailing wage rate determination is made part of this bid

package. A notice of award will be sent to the Alaska Department of Labor – Wage and Hour

Section. The State will require that certified payroll forms are completed, and the State has the

right to randomly audit the successful bidders company to ensure Davis Bacon Wages are being

paid for this project.

A full copy of the Request for Bids can be obtained by calling Skagway Municipal Offices at 907-

983-2297, or by e-mailing Skagway.Bid@kpff.com. Technical questions regarding this project

must be directed in writing to Skagway.Bid@kpff.com and contracts@skagway.org.

 Alaska Department of 

Transportation & Public Facilities 



Skagway Klondike Highway Rehabilitation: 

Skagway River Bridge to Canadian Border

Project # SFHWY00225

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) is proposing geotechnical testing to inform the project to rehabilitate the Klondike Highway from the Skagway River Bridge to the Canadian Border.

DOT&PF’s consultant, HDL Engineering, will perform a geotechnical investigation on the Klondike Highway. The goal of the investigation is to characterize the subsurface soil, rock, and groundwater conditions at each location to support geotechnical recommendations. The geotechnical investigation will include a total of 118 borings drilled to depths ranging from four feet to 50 feet, with a maximum potential depth of 70 feet.

Project Schedule

Geotechnical testing is anticipated to begin the week of September 9, 2024 until September 26, 2024.

What to Expect

Single-lane closures at various points along the highway can be expected throughout the duration of the testing for the Klondike Highway. Drilling is planned between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., and single-lane closures will occur for 10 hours between this 12-hour window.

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by DOT&PF pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated April 13, 2023, and executed by FHWA and DOT&PF. No floodplain encroachments are anticipated to result from geotechnical testing.

Development of this proposed project would follow a process required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Based on project location and scope of work, the environmental document is anticipated to be categorical exclusion (CE). Possible affected resources include wetlands, waters of the U.S., eagles, endangered species, marine mammals, fish habitat, and cultural or historic properties. 

The proposed project would comply with all applicable authorities including: 

• EO-11988 (Floodplain Management) 

• EO-11990 (Protection of Wetlands) 

• EO-12898 (Environmental Justice) 

• Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act 

• Clean Air and Clean Water Acts 

• Endangered Species Act 

• Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation Management Act 

• National Historic Preservation Act – Section 106 

• U.S. Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act

DOT&PF is soliciting comments on the proposed project. Your comments would help us evaluate potential environmental, social, and economic impacts of this project, as well as impacts to historic and cultural resources.

Please submit your written comments to: 

Joseph Galgano, Environmental Impact Analyst 

DOT&PF, Southcoast Region Phone: (907) 465-4447 

P.O. Box 112506 Fax: (907) 465-4414 

Juneau, AK 99811-2506 Email: joseph.galgano@alaska.gov

To ensure that all possible factors are considered, please provide comments via email, fax, or mailing address by September 8, 2024.

It is the policy of the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) that no person shall be excluded from participation in, or be denied benefits of, any and all programs or activities we provide based on race, religion, color, gender, age, marital status, ability, or national origin, regardless of the funding source including Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and State of Alaska funds. DOT&PF complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

If you or someone you represent requires special accommodations in order to respond to this public notice, please call or email the project coordinator listed above, or call Alaska Relay at 711, or call (800) 770-8973 for TTY, (800) 770-8255 for voice, (800) 770-3919 for ASCII, (866) 355-6198 for STS. Ask the communications assistant to call the project coordinator listed above so arrangements can be made to assist you.



Tuesday, August 20, 2024 

Polling Places Will Be Open From 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

Candidate Races on Ballot United States Representative 


State Senator (Districts B, D, F, H, J, L, N, P, R, T) 


State House Representative (All 40 Districts)