Prostitutes and foster moms
By Melinda Munson Editor’s Note: It’s that time of year in Skagway when school is out, there’s a daycare shortage, adults are working multiple jobs with few days off and tourists keep asking the SAME ...
Saying goodbye to my sweet, loyal co-pilot
“Me and my arrow Straighter than narrow Wherever we go, everyone knows It’s me and my arrow” Harry Nilsson, The Point, 1970 By Gretchen Wehmhoff Dogs don’t stay with us nearly long enough. Athena was ...
No funny business here
By Melinda Munson I’m officially not funny. The Alaska Press Club announced the results of their 2021 state-wide contest. I didn’t place for humor writing. Last year, I was awarded third prize. This meant that ...
Cockroaches will inherit the earth
As Melinda and I take turns with illnesses this month and we finish the Alaskan, I dipped into my writing file of unpublished favorites from my younger years. My first solo vacation to Hawaii. I ...
Sexual Assault Month hits close to home
By Melinda Munson Editor’s Note: Please be advised this content is not appropriate for young children. It’s Sexaul Assault Awareness Month, but I don’t need a campaign to remind me. I live with the ...
Green thumbs vs. all thumbs
By Gretchen Wehmhoff I gently push five or six yogurt cups aside to make room for my bowl of soup, then carefully slide around a box filled with jars, used paper coffee cups and applesauce ...
“No one can take care of you better than you”
By Gretchen Wehmhoff I was hanging with my maternal grandmother in her kitchen. Two of my cousins and I had taken a ski trip in Oregon, then headed to the coast to visit our grandparents. ...
Spelling bee lessons
“Mom, I’m going to win the spelling bee and go to Anchorage,” my nine-year-old confidently informed me. I smoothed her brown silky bob and tried to manage her expectations. “Well, there are a lot of ...
Simply streamlined for survival
By Gretchen Wehmhoff I’m pretty simple. I don’t have a simple life, but when the world around me is off balance or moving fast -- staying streamlined is my best chance at survival. I like ...
Editors Column – How to survive Skagway – winter edition
By Melinda Munson It feels like forever, but January 2022 marks my second winter in Skagway. Many of my friends recently returned from sun-laden beaches in Hawaii, Mexico, and that crazy state that insists on ...