Dear fellow Skagway assembly members,

It is with great excitement that I ask for your acceptance of my resignation. I have accepted the position of Tourism Director in our neighboring community of Haines, Alaska, and will not be able to complete my term. My last day as a Skagway assembly member will be April 7th, 2023.

It has been an honor, a privilege and one of the most incredible learning experiences of my life. When I think back over the past 2.5 years, I’m amazed at all we went through together. A global pandemic, the economic repercussions of the said pandemic, the end of the White Pass lease, a struggling clinic, the rockslide, plus many other obstacles, highs and lows, sorrow and crisis. And yet we endured.

If the most vulnerable in a population are thriving, the community is thriving. The duty of taking care of business will always be upon your plate of responsibilities, but to serve full-heartedly, one must advocate for the young and the old, the most vulnerable. I implore you all to look beyond your individual needs, not accept the status quo, do your due diligence, take action for positive change and focus on the common good. Be better. Be your best. And thank you for your service.

Reba Hylton

was here, 2020-2023