Thank you for your compassion, Skagway
Oh Skagway, you have my heart. This has been a long time coming, and I don’t know if I have the right words, but I’m going to try. Thank you all from ...
A letter to the National Park Service regarding parking lot proposal for Chilkoot Pass trail head
Superintendent Wetz, I am so sorry you inherited a boondoggle like this your first year here. I’m talking about the proposal to clear cut acres of land on the east side, south ...
Letters – Lynn Canal needs ferry service
Why did the planners and dreamers at Alaska DOT-PF spend millions to construct and pave an additional football field-sized parking lot at the Haines ferry terminal? This is not a joke: to ...
Business owners appeal to Kiehl regarding PUA
Dear Senator Kiehl, My name is Thomas D. Pickerel. I’ve been a resident of Skagway since 1985 and I own a home here in Skagway. I am the owner-operator of a small ...
Letters – Stan versus the dentist
I understand when opportunity comes knocking, it is very important to answer the door because Skagway has a special story to tell and Stan Bush and his film crew will do an ...
Letters – Rev-flections of Glenn Reed
The first time I met the one and only Glenn Reed, was where else, but Skagway, Alaska. It was the summer of 1986 right on Broadway, in front of the Golden North ...
Skagway food insecurity solutions – no reason for bare cupboards, there are options
Before the pandemic hit the world and Skagway, food insecurity was already an issue. Food insecurity describes a household’s inability to provide enough food for every person to live an active, healthy ...
Former judges urge Southeast Alaskans to finish the ballot
In an election that many Alaskans are calling “the most important of our lifetimes,” with the presidency and control of the U.S. Senate on the line, as well as control of the ...
Will America’s democracy die? Voting may make all the difference
by Janet McCabe Most of us have lived our lives in the freedom of American democracy. It has never occurred to us that a democracy as enduring as ours could be weakened and ...
Letter – Thinking about Buckwheat Donohue and our visit to Skagway
Dear Editor, I was so sad to read today of the passing in 2019 of Buckwheat Donohue. He left a lasting impression on me when I visited Skagway in 2005 as a ...